Step 3: Return Client Session
Weekly private sessions to heal mind, body, and spirit.
50 min. | $130 or Sliding Scale

Did you know?
According to the National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI), most Americans experience mental health symptoms for 11 YEARS before pursing treatment. With the right therapist, many clients with mild-to-moderate symptoms see noticeable improvements following just 12, weekly, 1-hour sessions.
What to Expect from Return Client Sessions
Following your New Client Intake, we'll get 11 weekly sessions (video or in-person) on the books. You may not need all of them. If we're working with childhood wounds or other traumas, you may want to schedule additional sessions, at which point we can also examine appointment frequency.
Your second session will still feel a little procedural in nature. We'll talk about session pacing, body psychotherapy, energy healing, and finalize your treatment plan. We'll practice some body-based, energetic, and spiritual techniques for self-care. These techniques will also help you hold your light when encountering the dark places of the mind, heart, and body in future sessions.
Your remaining sessions will be significantly more experiential, as we'll start exploring the issues that are most important to you. Generally speaking, we'll want to work towards meeting your therapeutic goals; however, we can always deviate from the plan if something more pressing arises. You'll learn to anticipate the question "Where do you feel that in your body?" You'll learn skills to access the depth of your emotions, while still feeling viscerally safe, beloved, and empowered. We'll ask each wound to speak, and apply the precise medicine it seeks. You'll practice this skillset at home, building confidence in your resiliency when life gives you lemons. At some point, your therapeutic goals will be met, and we'll either make new goals, or part ways. Saying goodbye is always a little bittersweet for me, but witnessing your migration is one of the moments I love most about my line of work.
Garner Guidance LLC is located in Longmont, Colorado. Due to licensure restrictions, this service is available to Colorado residents only.
Cancellation Policy
Life happens! If you need to reschedule or cancel your appointment, no worries! Kindly let me know at least 48 hours in advance. Individuals who late-cancel or no-show their Return Client Appointments will be charged the full session fee. Thank you for respecting my time, and the scheduling needs of other clients.