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Am I A Highly Sensitive Person?

4 Common Experiences Among Clients*

(S) Sensing the Subtle

You process sensory information in a very detailed manner, paying attention to others' body language, reading between the lines, and picking up on subtleties others may not even realize they're broadcasting.

(D) Depth of Processing

Your brain processes your internal and external worlds more deeply than others, making connections between the present moment, your bodily sensations, and past memories. This heightens your intuition, and makes you a careful decision maker.

(O) Overstimulation

Your depth of processing makes you susceptible to fatigue and stress, in your relationships and at work. You need quiet, peaceful environments, and downtime to reflect on your experiences. Acquaintances may have labeled you as "shy" or "aloof." You may be an introvert or an extrovert.

(E) Emotional Reactivity & Empathy

You react more to both positive and negative experiences, and it can be hard to hold back the tears. You are empathic, often feeling others' feelings, understanding their intentions, and mobilizing to help them. You are wise, a good student of life, and an emotional leader. 

*The term "Highly Sensitive Person" and the "DOES" acronym come from the research of Elaine N. Aron, Ph.D.

Why Consider Highly Sensitive Person Therapy with Anneva?

Sometimes self-help books, social media forums, and routines aren’t enough. You want more than head knowledge, advice from total strangers, and a lifetime spent avoiding overstimulation. You want deep and lasting healing that permeates your body, heart, mind, and soul!


“HSPs with a troubled childhood are more at risk of becoming depressed, anxious, and shy than those with a similar childhood who are not highly sensitive…While someone might tell you that you are making too much of your childhood problems, this research says you are probably not. You really were more affected and would benefit or have already benefited from help if you sought it, even if others would not feel the need. More important, and a special reason for hope—you may well gain more from help than others would.” —Elaine N Aron, Ph.D.


Clients frequently say Anneva is "wise beyond her years," having heightened "ability to see" and "deep knowing." Her quiet strength and her loving, supportive, and openly curious presence help clients feel safe to talk about anything and explore their deepest feelings. With 5 years of supervised training in talk therapy and body psychotherapy, and 2 years of supervised training in trauma-informed energy healing, Anneva brings a uniquely effective, mind-energy-body approach to your treatment goals.




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